Thursday, March 5, 2009


So RRE finally signed up on Twitter, right about the same time I succumbed to my curiosity on the same subject. In case you could tell by this blog, I'm completely fascinated by Web stuff like this. I mean, what a stupid concept, right? A micro-blog so that people can talk about what they're doing at that moment. As if I need to know what Scotty Baron had for lunch today! But wait...

The tech media is positively foaming at the mouth over this thing. Every marketing site I go to is praising it, every music business blog is blathering about how to use it, in 10 parts no less. So what is going on over here? I see this journalist over here mentioned that when the plane went down in the Hudson the first place he heard about it was on Twitter. He cruises around to some of the blogs he follows and none of them mentioned it until much later (in journalism time). Okay, so this could be a journalism tool. Outblog the bloggers. But wait...

Part of what I personally find so thrilling about technology like this is the potential that it has to become, at it's furthest extension, a tool for shining a light on the kind of evil that can only take place in the shadows. North Korean gulags, Egyptian or Saudi repression, Israeli actions against the Palistinians, Darfur, Kenya, Afghanistan, China, not to mention whatever the American gov't has been up to over the past hundred years in terms of shady foreign policy wherever.

I firmly believe that world harmony is at hand, and that once everyone has a cell phone and access to Twitter (or something like it), evil will have nowhere left to hide.


  1. Well, yeah. That evil thing you mentioned, but also, I got free dinners from Twitter, so that's good, too.

    Which sounds glib, I know, but really I'm talking about the marketing potential of things like Twitter. I mentioned liking a particular brand of frozen food and one of their marketing reps sent me coupons to get another variety for free. I also had a rep from another company contact me when I complained about their product on Twitter.

    It's interesting that marketing and news delivery are so intertwined in every mass media delivery system ever invented, from the humble newspaper to television to blogging to tweeting.

  2. Wait is this Johnny Grubb from RRE? LOL. If so, Hey Man. Dgold here from Fayetteville, Honest Tunes radio.

    Daniel Gold
